Saturday, February 12, 2011

12. One Writer, Two Bookstores

I love this project: it gives me permission to talk to strangers. They tend to seem ordinary until they start to talk.
Haddayr Copley-Woods, below, is a writer of fantasy and magic realism. Her stories, she said, are about people who seem ordinary until something happens. Say, they start to fly. [link to her website]

Copley-Woods lives in Powderhorn but crossed into Phillips to go to Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction (front half of store)/ Uncle Edgar's Mystery (back half) Bookstores, 
2864 Chicago Avenue South.  [link to Hugo & Edgar's]

(Can you spot Mr. Spock?)

Photo: F. Davis DiPiazza


Ep said...

You're making such a wonderful spiderweb of the neighborhoods - connecting many people and places, and now, books.

Ep said...

Is that Spock on the book facing out, right behind Haddayr?

Bookworm said...

What a great project - and what a great bookshop!